Peter Hurst 英语讲师,剑桥大学历史系硕士,持有PGCE证书、CELTA证书,在雷丁大学任大学教授超过20年。 Peter Hurst. B.A. and M.A. in History from the University of Cambridge; P.G.C.E. from the University of Sheffield; CELTA from Reading College. Taught at Reading School from 1993 to 2017.
“教育应该帮助学生成长为独立的、负责任的全球公民。” "I believe that we should help our students to grow into independent minded and responsible global citizens."
Peter Dashley 经济讲师,莱斯特大学经济学学士,英国Brokenhurst College经济系讲师,持有PGCE证书。 Peter Dashley. B.A. in Economics from Leicester University;Economics Teacher at Brockenhurst College, U.K.; P.G.C.E. from Southampton University.
“学习和运用经济学可以使世界变得更棒。” “Studying and using Economics can help the world be a better place for all.” |
Emmanuel Pius Kattila 会计讲师,内罗毕大学教育硕士,注册会计师,从肯尼亚到英国到中国被他影响的会计学生数不胜数。 Emmanuel Pius Kattila. B.A. in Education and MBA in Finance from the University of Nairobi; Certified Public Accountant, Part1, Section 2.
“帮助学习者在追求卓越教育。” “Assisting learners in their quest for excellence through education.”
Scott Donnelly |
Scott Donnelly 艺术讲师,英国诺桑比亚大学美术与教育硕士,曾与英国国家艺术与设计教育学会合作出版作品,先后于2015年格拉斯哥艺术学院年会和2017年都柏林国家艺术与设计学院年会发表研究论文。
Scott Donnelly Art Teacher. MA in Fine Art and Education, Northumbria University. Having published with the National Society for Education in Art and Design in the UK, Scott has presented research papers for the International Journal of Art and Design Education at two of their annual conferences - Glasgow School of Art 2015 and the National College of Art and Design, Dublin 2017.
“通过认识和研究来发展艺术实践,从而使艺术作品充满个性、意蕴丰富、意义深远。” “Developing an art practice through research and knowledge to make artwork which is personalised, informed and meaningful.”
Ivan Zhelyazkov |
Ivan Zhelyazkov 瓦尔纳自由大学国际经济关系学士学位;比利时列日大学市场营销与传播交换学位,奥尔堡大学发展与国际关系交换学位。2015-2017年在北京理工大学任教,;2017-2021在珠海环球教育任教。
Ivan Zhelyazkov B.A. in International Economic Relations from VFU Varna; Exchange Degree in Marketing and Communication at University of Liege, Belgium, Exchange Degree in Development and International Relations from Aalborg University; Taught at Beijing Institute of Technology, 2015-2017; Taught at Global Education (Zhuhai) 2017-2021
IELTS, TOEFL, and Academic English instructor. With an extensive international education background from Belgium and Denmark, he has over 7 years of experience preparing students for qualifications such as IELTS, TOEFL, SAT, GMAT, GRE, ACT, and others. Many of his students have been successfully accepted into top universities around the world including Cambridge, Imperial College, London, and Ivy League universities in the US.
Robert “Bob” Orth. |
Robert “Bob” Orth.
BA in History from the University of New Brunswick, Canada; qualified in Professional Writing, Algonquin College, Canada
Robert “Bob” Orth. English Teacher, IELTS and TOEFL. Robert graduated from Algonquin College in Professional Writing, and the University of New Brunswick in History. He has nine years of teaching experience including five years' experience teaching high school as well as being involved in editing several published books. |
王 艳 |
王 艳 国际部副主任,国学讲师,东北师范大学研究生学历,国家汉办全球“最美汉语教师”,省五一劳动奖章获得者,市优秀青年教师,曾先后公派至巴西Univille University、美国Johnson University任教。 Yan Wang Vice Director of International Department,Chinese Teacher. Postgraduate degree from Northeast Normal University. Over ten years international teaching experience. She has taught at Univille University, Brazil and Johnson University, USA .For her professionalism and expertise,she has been recognized as an outstanding teacher and been receiving the Provincial Labor Medal and the Hanban Global “Most Excellent Chinese Teacher” award. “教育是发现与成全。” “Education is discovery and fulfillment.” |
梁晓冉 国际部副主任,雅思讲师,西安外国语大学英语语言文学学士学位,英国约克大学TESOL文学硕士学位,持对外汉语教师资格证书。曾在英国从事汉语教学工作,回国后曾在环球雅思担任雅思培训讲师,雅思7.5分,连续多年被评为优秀班主任,丰富的班级管理经验。 Xiaoran Liang Vice Director of International Department, IELTS Teacher. Zoe graduated from the University of York with a MA degree in TESOL. She has many years’ experience in being a head teacher. The first graduates from her class were all admitted to top universities on the list of the top 100 in the world.
“教育不是注满一桶水,而是点燃一把火。” “Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.”
靳雷一鸣 物理讲师,升学指导,剑桥大学航空工程本硕连读,深谙英美大学录取价值观,已有16名学生被牛津剑桥本科录取,G5录取学生多达50余名。 Yiming Jinlei Physics Teacher, College Counselor. Jin graduated from the University of Cambridge with both BA and MA degrees in Aerospace engineering. He has many years' experience in college counseling with 16 of his students already admitted by Oxbridge, and more than 50 students admitted to G5 universities. “培养具有中国精神的世界公民与领袖人才。” “Cultivate leadership and cosmopolitan person based in oriental spirit.”
黄玮 托福讲师,杜伦大学教育学硕士,曾任英国杜伦市Educational Village 八年级讲师。 Wei Huang TOEFL Teacher. Wei Huang graduated from Durham University with a Master’s degree in Education. She used to be a teacher of Year 8 at Educational Village, County Durham , UK.
“语言的边界就是你世界的边界。你的语言能走多远,你的世界就有多宽广。” “The limits of your language are the limits of your world.” |
张琦 经济讲师,香港大学经济学硕士,拥有两年在新加坡从事国际贸易与市场营销工作经验,有独到的经济学见解,能把教学和实际融会贯通。
Claire Zhang Economics Teacher. Claire graduated from The University of Hong Kong. She has had two years work experience in Singapore related to international economics and marketing. With her unique view of economics, she has the ability to integrate teaching and real-world cases.
“明德格物。” “To disseminate virtue and to investigate the way of things.” |
潘立峰 化学老师,国际部项目主管。中科院研究生学历,十三年教学经验,九年国际课程教学和管理经验。曾任教于知名国际学校北京四中国际部。 Lifeng Pan Head of AP Programme.Postgraduate of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Experienced teacher of AP Chemistry, A-level Chemistry and AP calculus; 13 years of teaching experience, including 9 years of international education and management experience; Has taught in some famous international school, also in Beijing No.4 Middle School.
“静下心来做面向未来的教育。” “Focus on future-oriented education.” |
黄子悦 托福讲师,升学指导,USC 南加州大学教育系硕士,拥有美国高中英语教学工作经历,是能将快乐的知识与丰富的美国文化传递给学生的影响者。 Ziyue Huang. TOEFL Teacher, College Counselor. Ziyue Huang graduated from University of Southern California with an MA degree in Education. She possesses years of experience in teaching ESL at high schools in the U.S.; a teacher who inspires the joy of knowledge and explores the enrichment of American culture.
“引起兴趣,激发好奇,点燃梦想。” “Spark interest. Ignite curiosity. Fuel dreams. ” |
赵梦奇 |
赵梦奇 托福/SAT讲师,英国纽卡斯尔大学硕士,ETS官方认证培训师,曾教授出托福/SAT写作满分学员,帮助学生圆梦哈佛大学、西北大学等世界顶尖名校。
Mengqi Zhao TOEFL/ SAT Teacher. Maggie Zhao graduated from Newcastle University with an MA degree.She is officially-certified trainer by ETS. And she helped many students to get full marks in TOEFL/ SAT writing, and receive offers from world's topnotch universities, such as Harvard University, Northwestern University, etc.
“每个学生都有成功的潜力。” “Every student has potential for success.”
杨盈盈 经济讲师,澳门大学理学硕士,曾任澳门大学工商管理学院教授助教,参与多起公司战略管理研究与数据处理。
Yingying Yang Economics Teacher. Lydia graduated from the University of Macau with an MSc degree. She worked as a teaching assistant in the Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau and participated in several studies and data processing on corporate governance.
“The object of teaching is to encourage the young to explore and innovate constantly.” “教学的目标是鼓励年轻人不断探索和创新。” |
阮晓娟 数学讲师,国际部A-Level项目主管。英国华威大学多媒体信息通讯教育硕士,珠海市英语中心备课组与出题组成员,双语数学教学功力深厚。 Xiaojuan Ruan Mathematics Teacher. Head of A-Level Programme.Ruan graduated from the University of Warwick with an MA degree in ICT and Multimedia in Teaching. She is a member of the Core Group of English language teaching in Zhuhai and has a great deal of experience in teaching A-level Mathematics and Further Mathematics.
“繁星纵变,智慧永恒。” “Sidere mens eadem mutato.” |
黎劲良 UBC不列颠哥伦比亚大学化学硕士,在温哥华执教SAT/AP化学数年后来到珠海,深受家长学生爱戴。 Jinliang Li Vancouver, he came to Zhuhai and has already extended his expertise to teaching A-level subjects. He is reliable and admired by every student and teacher. “教育的收获建立在辛劳的付出之上。” “The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.” |
尤 秀 爱丁堡大学教育学硕士研究生,备考英语、雅思、多邻国考试讲师,TESOL国际教师资格证(高级)持有者。2020年至2021年就职于新航道上海学校,深度了解A-Level, IB, AP考试的相关内容,年终被评为“优秀员工”,语法词汇教学经验丰富,获得学生和家长的一致好评。 You Xiu Master of Education, University of Edinburgh, lecturer in English, IELTS, Duolingo, holder of TESOL International Teaching Certificate (Advanced). From 2020 to 2021, Xiu worked at New Channel Shanghai School. With in-depth knowledge of A-level, IB and AP exams, she was rated as "Excellent Employee" at the end of the year. Her rich grammar and vocabulary teaching experience has been highly praised by students and their parents. “没有爱的教学,宛如无水池塘,终将群鲜枯竭。” “Teaching without love is like a pond without water, which will eventually dry up.” |
卓 越
Yue Zhuo
Accounting teacher, graduated from the Zhuhai NO.1 middle school and accounting department of the University of Macao. Be familiar with the accounting standards of China and the United States, worked in a fortune 500 company with four years’ work experience in cost control, management and accounting for construction projects
Zhou Bin
Mathematical teacher, Zhou graduated from the department of Mathematical and Science of Tsinghua University. He worked as front-line teacher for years, bent himself to guide each unique student to find the way suitable for him/herself.
封美云 华东师范大学物理化学硕士研究生,MYP化学考官。2012年至2020年期间,就职于某全国前十强国际学校,多次被评为该校“优秀教师”。在AL, IGCSE, MYP 化学教学上具有丰富的经验。所带班级多次被评为该校“先进班级“。 Wendy Feng has graduated from East China Normal University with master degree in Physical chemistry. She is MYP chemistry examiner. From 2012 to 2020, she has worked in a famous international IB school and was awarded “ Excellent Teacher” for many time. she is good experienced in AL, IGCSE and MYP chemistry teaching. As a homeroom teacher, her class was awarded “Advanced Class” for many times. 相信每个孩子是独一无二的个体,发现他,欣赏他,爱他。 I believe that every child is a unique individual, discover him, appreciate him and love him. |
史佳明 毕业于中央财经大学中国经济与管理研究院,经济学学士,并持有学院颁发的数学学士同等学力证书。资深金融数据分析师,通过了特许金融分析师及多项相关从业资格的考试,具有多年证券一、二级市场的工作经验。她致力于将学科知识与实践经验相结合,力求帮助学生树立目标以启发学生学习的自觉性。 Jiaming Shi graduated from China Economics and Management Academy in Central University of Finance and Economics with Bachelor of Economics. She has fulfilled all the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science with a second major in mathematics. She is a senior financial data analyst who has passed the Charted Financial Analyst (CFA) and a number of related professional qualification exams. She is committed to combining subject knowledge with practical experience, and strives to help students set goals to inspire their self-consciousness in learning. |
陈 玥
海外工作经验丰富:曾为英国国家医疗服务体系(National Health Service, NHS)诺丁汉医院的中英翻译,独立完成60余次医疗翻译;曾于马来西亚和埃及等地的儿童教育机构参加长达一个月的国际志愿者项目。对学术研究抱以热忱:曾在澳门大学心理学系担任研究助理长达三年,并参加2016年跨文化心理学研讨会(日本名古屋)。致力于提升学生内在动力,擅长学科为托福、SAT、AP和A-level心理学;写作教学经验尤为丰富,曾培养满分学生。
Master of Science in Rehabilitation Psychology, University of Nottingham, UK
Bachelor in Psychology, University of Macau, Macau, China (Honors College)
Stella has diverse work experience oversea: she used to serve NHS Nottingham Hospitals as a volunteer interpreter, providing Chinse-English translation for medical counseling for over 60 cases; she was an enthusiastic international volunteer, with frequent month-long participation in children education programs in Malaysia and Egypt. Curious about academic research, she made continuous contribution to psychology research at University of Macau and published her bachelor dissertation at Cross-Cultural Psychology Conference in 2016 (Nagoya, Japan). In teaching, the commitment to kindling students’ intrinsic learning motivation achieves her fruitful teaching in TOEFL, SAT, AP and A-level psychology, particularly in producing full-mark students in writing.
Motto: Make today the day to learn something new
叶靖仪 雅思讲师,考试指导,香港浸会大学英语教育硕士,持有英语专业八级证书,国家英语教师资格证和TESOL国际教师资格证。
Jingyi Ye IELTS Teacher, Exam Officer. Jingyi Ye graduated from Hong Kong Baptist University with a Master’s Degree in English Language for Teaching. She holds a TEM-8 certificate, a nationally recognized teaching certificate, and a TESOL certificate. 教育不是注满一桶水,而是点燃一把火。 Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire.
郑淑仪 国际部升学指导,考务专员,毕业于广东财经大学英语(翻译)专业,U.S.NEWS Global Education 认证美国留学顾问、从事留学申请行业4年,曾任职于知名留学机构,熟悉国际考试报考。擅长为学生制定个性化申请方案,熟悉美国、澳洲、英国等国家升学申请流程及签注办理,助力学生争取到最佳学校录取。 爱是教育的灵魂
Shuyi Zheng Secretary of International Department/ Exam Officer. Majored in English (Translation) in Guangdong University of Finance and Economics. U.S News Global Education accredited counselor. She has worked in famous overseas education agency for 4 years as counselor. She is also familiar with international exam entries and overseas universities application process. She is good at helping students get admission for best schools. Love is the soul of education |
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